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  • Gary S Ray Carney for the beta launch, which website features are absolutely essential?
    Suggestions in comments! Thanks!
    • Payment plan with cell phone company. Phones are expensive. I don't like cheap. You get what you pay for.
    • I don't own a computor haven't had one in years!
    • I suppose everyone has their priorities. I spent $1000 on the server that runs this website and had to think about it for several months before I decided to make the investment after considering what I'm going to use it for and how long it can be used. I suppose if I didn't have a computer, I would want a widescreen phone too because I cannot use these slim phones without feeling like I'm in a trance when watching a video or browsing the web.
    • Gary cellphones are not expensive anymore, unless you want all the latest and greatest bells and whistles and feel the need to keep up with The Joneses. I have a $100 WalMart Samsung Galaxy that works just fine for everything I need, and there's no way in the universe that I would pay anything more unless it provided a shitload more options and better usability.
    • Usability is my MO when it comes to being mobile I spend 50 to 60 hours at work and I have a 40 minute commute both ways to work every day. I watch and listen to rumble videos while work and on my commute. For me it's essential. Computors on the other hand are a whole different animal. They depreciate and get viruses windows is a disaster. And they get slow. Most of all very expensive. I do everything from my phone.
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