Situation Update, Oct 6, 2022 - mRNA "vaccines" actually INSTALL a bioweapons staging platform into your body

maxmadmin / 30 November -0001 / 1 views
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0:00 Intro

2:42 Bombshell News

34:14 Karen Kingston

1:56:35 Economic News

2:00:03 Russia


- Shocking dump of HHS records reveals world's largest vaccine propaganda campaign

- The entire entertainment industry was BRIBED to push covid vaccines

- Black doctors were recruited, Evangelicals paid off

- Comedy writers BRIBED to mock anti-vaxxers in comedy routines

- Writers Guild screenwriters pumped with cash to push vaccine storylines

- Social media influencers paid off by HHS and CDC

- Massive campaign was never about immunization or health

- This was actually about INSTALLING human bodies with exotic technology

- Self-assembling biosynthetic structures are GROWING inside people

- Karen Kingston joins discussion about quantum dots, vax patents and nanotech

- External (5G) signals known to influence or ACTIVATE these nanostructures

- Humans could be HOSTS to exotic, self-constructing tech that runs on AI

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