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  •   GinA, MaxM Admin commented on this post about 10 months ago
    Where are we all about this, Maxm users? Gina is in a serious financial hardship and she is too proud, and shouldn't have to, beg. Do you want to see Maxm disappear after the reason we all came here was to free ourselves from the other same-same media sites? Do you understand how hard she has worked to create and maintain Maxm? If you don't understand how her former boss shafted her, for God's sake, ask her directly. So, I'm not too proud to BEG for GinA's survival. PLEASE GIVE, either via the links on her Substack, or, PM her. She needs money fast and every little bit we can give her is crucial. I preferred to help her via a private Paypal. C'mon Maxmers, it's time to save our founder ... please help GinA!
      Reposted from GinA, MaxM Admin
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    • Thank you Ray Carney . I won't beg for anything, and I certainly won't beg for money. If people appreciate me, they will help. If they don't, theyThank you Ray Carney . I won't beg for anything, and I certainly won't beg for money. If people appreciate me, they will help. If they don't, they won't. It's as simple as that.  More ...
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  •   Ray Carney commented on this post about 2 weeks ago
    Gary S Ray Carney what would you suggest is a good short tagline or motto for MaxM? What naturally comes to mind when you think about or use MaxM websites?
    Comments (5)
    • Freedom From Censorship!
    • Ray Carney what do you think about "the right place to be" which actually has a double meaning ~ the "correct" or "preferred" place to be, and aRay Carney what do you think about "the right place to be" which actually has a double meaning ~ the "correct" or "preferred" place to be, and a place for politically 'right' people... the definition of 'censorship' is the suppression of offensive speech which includes my suppression of leftists' speech on MaxM... so I can't honestly boast "freedom from censorship" for MaxM ... your thoughts?   More ...
    • GinA, MaxM Admin Censorship is part of WOKEness that I detest. Gary S has some great suggestions.
    • "America first speech" , "patriot speech" , the place for truth. "Where the American spirit lives". Let's face it liberals and their way of thinking"America first speech" , "patriot speech" , the place for truth. "Where the American spirit lives". Let's face it liberals and their way of thinking are un-American if you shut them up they have no views no values and no voice‼️🎯👈  More ...
    • Either your for America or you get exiled ‼️
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  •   GinA, MaxM Admin commented on this post about 2 weeks ago
    Gary S Ray Carney I'm noticing videos are still being uploaded without a title or description... this will prevent people from knowing what the video is about, and it will prevent people from searching for videos because there's no text to search ... which will prevent people from watching those videos... Gary S , if you want people to watch your videos (which are worth watching!!) it's very important that you edit your previously uploaded videos to add title and description (and choose a proper category) and start adding that information with each new video you share going forward. Eventually I will change the code which will force users to add that information so it's a good idea to get started now ... Please and thank you!
    Comments (1)
    • Gary S i noticed you started entering descriptions and I thank you for that. I do need to ask that you add titles for sorting and searching ~ if youGary S i noticed you started entering descriptions and I thank you for that. I do need to ask that you add titles for sorting and searching ~ if you go to the 'Videos' page and sort by name, all of your videos appear at the very end of the group because they all start with the letters VID... Thank you for your help with this!  More ...
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  •   Ray Carney commented on this post about 2 weeks ago
    MaxM's redesigned logo ... whatcha' think? Ray Carney Gary S
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  •   GinA, MaxM Admin reacted to this post about 1 month ago
    Ray Carney reposted a photo from Gary S
    Hang the old bitch!
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  •   GinA, MaxM Admin reacted to this post about 1 month ago
    Ray Carney unlocked the badge Video Commenter
    Video Commenter
    Love to comment videos on the site. To unlock this badge, you need to comment videos more than 30 times on the site.
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