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$5 Gasoline in Phoenix, Arizona

By Ray Carney in Politics 711 views 22nd Apr, 2023 Video Duration: 00:02:15
~ This is OUTRAGEOUS! ~

The price of gas in Phoenix just hit $5 a gallon. That's more expensive than Los Angeles.

ABC 15 asked Katie Hobbs to comment. She declined.

Here's what I know.

The Joe Biden administration's America Last energy policies are having a devastating impact on Arizona families.

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Comments (2)
  • Katie Hobbs is a complete "airhead" that, with the help of big lib money donors, was placed as Governor due to a stolen election. She runs from theKatie Hobbs is a complete "airhead" that, with the help of big lib money donors, was placed as Governor due to a stolen election. She runs from the press because she's too stupid to be interviewed or comment. Arizona has become infested with liberals from California. Kari Lake remains steadfast with her case against the stolen election and we're praying she wins and turns this disaster around.  More ...
  • It is taking some time here as if it's a diliberate stall on stupid. It has been months now since that self AZ toilet installed herself. I'm hopingIt is taking some time here as if it's a diliberate stall on stupid. It has been months now since that self AZ toilet installed herself. I'm hoping Kari Lake gets in. Hobbs is a Cartel puppet!   More ...
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