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By Gary S in Sports & Recreation 520 views 11th Dec, 2023 Video Duration: 00:01:24
Army Navy Game Military prayer with Q =comms

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  • Only those with ears to hear and eyes to see will understand what he's saying!
  • I had to crank my pc volume a ton to hear the message. Probably, the video source volume was lower. Nonetheless, a great prayer. :(US flag) :(thumbsI had to crank my pc volume a ton to hear the message. Probably, the video source volume was lower. Nonetheless, a great prayer. :(US flag) :(thumbs up light skin tone)   More ...
  • Ray Carney Same here about the volume. The person who recorded it and published it had low volume. I see I def. need to tweak the emoji code and IRay Carney Same here about the volume. The person who recorded it and published it had low volume. I see I def. need to tweak the emoji code and I think I just found where I can do that... almost finished adding new reaction emojis!   More ...
  • GinA, MaxM Admin The icons I selected above were from the smiley face to the right of the camera. Only text displayed. I know you're fixing.
  • Ray Carney Yes, i just located the code that needs to be fixed. Essentially, I need to add code for each of the 1000 emojis to the existing code soRay Carney Yes, i just located the code that needs to be fixed. Essentially, I need to add code for each of the 1000 emojis to the existing code so it will take some time to complete correctly and test.   More ...
  • Gary S this is what I need to do to fix the emojis ... I may not be able to fix it all unless I find a coder to help me.
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