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By Gary S in General 428 views 17th Mar, 2024 Video Duration: 00:03:39
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Comments (3)
  • Maybe for this instance. If that's the only platform that this great veteran has been led to, then he's been mislead. That said, one might thinkMaybe for this instance. If that's the only platform that this great veteran has been led to, then he's been mislead. That said, one might think that he's aware of it being owned by the CCP.   More ...
  • The problem really is if they take down TicTok they can take down Truth social And X Twitter, Gettr, and any platform that speaks the truth! Tic TokThe problem really is if they take down TicTok they can take down Truth social And X Twitter, Gettr, and any platform that speaks the truth! Tic Tok is very strict if you curse you get suspended. If you discuss politics you get suspended. If you are shirtless or show a middrift suspended. Young kids in videos suspended. Smoking in videos suspended. They should spend more time getting rid of Facebook and Instagram for misinformation and election interference than go after TicTok when the Government tells us things are bad they have an agenda behind it all. Government can't fix anything the bigger they get the worse off we are!   More ...
  • Gary S i won't disagree, but, what about all the claims that TikTok is a way for the Chinese to invade privacy and brainwash? Not that otherGary S i won't disagree, but, what about all the claims that TikTok is a way for the Chinese to invade privacy and brainwash? Not that other platforms, except Maxm, will do the same thing.   More ...
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